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Our Mission

Protect the Federal Bureau of Investigation's integrity by mitigating its capacity and proclivity to abuse its authority and by safeguarding it from undue partisan influence.



We make complex free speech and due process constitutional challenges affecting FBI employees' ability to report waste, fraud, mismanagement, abuse of authority and illegality without fear of retaliation.




As the FBI's primary watchdog, we educate to empower FBI employees to identify and resist anti-constitutional extremism within and without the FBI and justice system.


Diversity & Inclusion

Because it places too  high a value on conformity, the FBI has suppressed the creative and innovative thinking diversity should have fostered. We advocate for the FBI to take a novel approach to its DE&I program that will result in a team of diverse, competent, inspirational managers.


Policy & Legislation

We advocate for meaningful policy and legislation that will lead to a proficient FBI with a culture of sound, ethical decision-making, impervious to undue partisan influence.


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